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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Where India Lacks?

Banking services chronicle is the only magazine that deals in the banking sector and helps the aspirant to know much better about the happenings In India the National Centre for Cold-chain Development (NCCD) estimates that country has only of the required temperature-control transportation facilities and less than 1% of warehouse facilities dedicated for transporting pre-conditioned agricultural produce.  only 4% of the countrys food is moved through cold chains due to lack of infrastructure means that. Cold chains do not just reduce postharvest losses but also allow farmers to earn more by tapping into well- functioning remunerative markets Banking services chronicle while maintaining the quality of their produce.  Moreover resilient transportation infrastructure with growing climate variability and extremes will allow food to be transported from surplus to climate stressed areas thus contributing to achieving zero hunger goal 2 under the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. highly fragmented agricultural landscape of  Indias makes the problem more complex. For example despite India has just a 0.3% share of the global trade being the worlds largest producer of banana. This is primarily because of the lack of large scale commercial farms and low consolidation among smallholders. these kind of articles are the real boosters for the aspirant as he can know what are the latest happenings can be seen in this Banking services chronicle

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