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competition wizard magazine

Friday, November 15, 2019

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine India releases this magazine every month with new happenings around the world. Shine India in the October 2019 edition in this article we determine the following concept in page no: 95 this article has been published.
Under the act, the chairperson who has been a chief justice of a supreme court. The bill amends this to provide that a person who has been chief justice of the Supreme Court or a judge of the Supreme Court will be the chairperson of the NHRC.
The act provides for two persons having knowledge of human rights to be appointed as members of the NHRC. The bill amends this to allow three members to be appointed, of which at least one will be a woman. Under the act, chairpersons of various commission for scheduled castes, commission for scheduled tribes, and national commission for women are members of the NHRC.

Shine india monthly magazine

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